Welcome to MRT Physiotherapy Osteopathy & Running Specialist

MRT Physiotherapy Osteopathy & Running Specialist, is dedicated to helping you recover from injuries and improve your physical health. Committed to providing personalised care and treatment to help you get back to your active lifestyle.


MSK Clinic


Combined Physiotherapy, Osteopathy and Dry Needling treatment to enhance recovery.

Running Clinic



 Analysing the biomechanics and running gait to refine running technique and reduce risk of injury.

Groups & Individual Running Technique Coaching

Improve performance through individaul and group running for all levels and a small running group for Mums.

Contact us

Contact us today to start your journey to recovery and improved physical health.


MRT Physiotherapy, Osteopathy and Running Specialist 

1 Chatteris Way, Elephant Park, London, SE17 1GX

Tel: 07782 754 423