MSK Clinic

Maria uses a combination of Osteopathy, Physiotherapy and dry needling to address musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries. Maria explores each individual health, posture, movements, balance, proprioception, as well as daily habits. She also considers individuals goals and expectations to develop a tailored treatment plan. She applies a combination of manual therapy, physiotherapy, osteopathy, dry needling, and tailored exercises aimed to enhance body functional movements to suit each individual needs.

 Location: 1 Chatteris Way,  Elephant Park, SE17 1GX

Initial Assessment - 60 minutes. £100
Follow Up - 30 minutes. £80
Follow up - 45 minutes. £90
Home Visits - 60 minutes. £200

Running Clinic 

A session at the Running Clinic starts with an in-clinic Initial assessment which  allows the practitioner to gather information around your running complaints, examine you and create a treatment plan.

The running assessment includes:

  • Postural assessment, flexibility and joints range of motion.
  • Balance and Proprioception.
  • Functional assessment of running movement pattern.
  • Running gait video analysis.
  • Reactivity and Agility.
  • Power & Speed.
  • Endurance.

 Location:  1 Chatteris Way,  Elephant Park, SE17 1GX

Biomechanics Assessment incl, Video Running Gait Analysis - 60 Minutes £100
Running Technique Coaching and Osteopathy Treatment - 45 Minutes £90

Groups & Individual Running Technique Coaching

Group and individual coaching for runners of all levels with a dedicated group for new mums returning or taking up running for the first time.

Group Running Sessions - Southwark Park, SE16

Running Group per session £10
Running Group 12 Sessions Bundle £100
Mothers Only Session £10
Mothers Only Running Group 12 Sessions Bundle £90

Individual Running Technique Coaching

Southwark Park, SE16 £70
KenningtonPark, SE11 £80
Burgess Park, SE15  £70
Your Local Area £130