Running assessment

A session at the Running Clinic starts with an in-clinic Initial assessment which lasts 60 minutes at Kennington Osteopaths and Physiotherapy Clinic located in Elephant Park. The Initial consultation allows the practitioner to gather information around your running complaints, examine you and create a treatment plan.


The examination phase includes:

  • Postural assessment
  • Flexibility and range of motion assessment
  • Special joint or spinal tests deemed necessary
  • Strength endurance
  • Balance and proprioception.
  • Functional assessment of running movement patterns.


An outdoor assessment follows the indoor assessment. This will include:

  • Running gait video analysis
  • Reactivity & Agility
  • Power & Speed
  • Endurance


Following the assessment Maria will discuss with you her findings and treatment options which might include a combination of manual osteopathic treatment, exercise plan as well as outdoor running technique training session.


A running specialist assessment should be considered necessary for anyone who wishes to start running (and hasn't done this before) or to return to running after an injury or a period of inactivity. Women post pregnancy are a perfect example of this as it becomes crucial to consider how the changes that maternity brings with it might affect your body. Running shouldn't be taken up any earlier than 4/6 months postpartum but seeking the advice of a qualified practitioner well in advance could make a big difference in facilitating and speeding up the achievement of your running goals.


All level runners can benefit from a running specialist assessment to gather more insight into their running technique and learn how to master it in order to prevent and address injuries as well as improving performance


Running technique coaching sessions

 Following the Initial Running Assessment and video running gait analysis, Maria will provide you with feedback and develop a suited treatment plan which can include running techniques coaching sessions at Elephant Park. A coaching session lasts 45 minutes and will address your running movement pattern. You will learn how to perform running drills and exercises specific to your condition. You will learn to master a more efficient and safe running style during the running coaching sessions, which ultimately will also enhance the overall running performance, increasing speed and endurance. Yes, there is more!

Maria will conclude your coaching session with a general osteopathic treatment for runners aimed to prevent injury. This will include assessment and treatment of restricted joints, fatigued muscles and tendons which may be overloaded in the process of learning your perfectioned running style.